
Hair transplant

Eyebrow hair transplantation is a treatment aimed at thickening or shaping the eyebrows. The eyebrows primarily protect the eyes from foreign bodies or sweat, but in recent years they have also regained importance as an ideal of beauty. With an eyebrow hair transplant, they give the face a harmonious overall impression.

Frequent plucking over long periods of time, advancing age or scars can be reasons why eyebrows thin out or grow incompletely.

Transplanting the body’s own hair from the nape of the neck offers a good alternative with particularly natural results.


How does eyebrow hair transplantation work?

Hair follicles are transplanted with millimeter precision. The FUE method is a skin-friendly method of hair transplantation. Even in cases of partial or complete loss of eyebrows, the FUE method is suitable for permanent eyebrow hair transplantation.

Also in difficult cases of eyebrow loss (accidents, fires), we are here for you and can restore your eyebrows through transplantation.



Grafts are tiny hair units used in hair transplantation, taken from a part of the head, usually the back of the scalp, and then implanted into balding or thinning areas. They often consist of one to four hairs and are designed to create a natural appearance.

Our competent Team

We can provide you with comprehensive care

Everyone wants an attractive appearance because it gives us a secure self-confidence – at work, in private life and beyond.

Aesthetic medicine cannot recreate a person, but it is capable of emphasizing one’s own personality.

We look forward to realizing your wishes together with you. A well-rehearsed and competent team is at your side for this purpose. Do not hesitate, but feel free to contact us by e-mail or telephone.

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